Why A Webinar Email Marketing Strategy Matters (and How To Start)

Hosting webinars are a great way to establish connections with clients. But how do you get clients to actually attend them? Webinar email marketing, of course!

Webinars advertise your business and help you move people into your sales funnels! While some people sign up and show up, most of us need consistent reminders in order to actually show up for something like a webinar or free training. Webinar email marketing implements strategies that will help you increase both your registration and attendance rates. 

Why A Webinar Email Marketing Strategy Matters (and How To Start) | Tatiana Belim

What Is A Webinar (and Why Are They Powerful)?

Webinars are live presentations where business owners share Powerpoints, videos, documents, or audio about different aspects of their business. They allow you the opportunity to connect with your clients in an online forum. Aside from acting as a great lead magnet to draw people into your sales funnel, webinars act as a stand-in for in-person training. 

Lots of businesses conduct webinars as part of their content marketing strategy. You’ll grow your email list as people sign up for the webinar, which gives you an opportunity to sell later on. 

Hosting a webinar is all about engagement. The more captivating your webinar is, the more you’ll hear from potential clients. Customer engagement is essential to your business! 

When you host a webinar you’re also more likely to develop more qualified leads and a higher ROI. Webinars can result in significantly more highly qualified leads. 

As you get ready to create a free training session, it’s so important to think about webinar email marketing!

Benefits Of A Webinar Email Marketing Sequence

Creating webinars for your business is a way for you to boost engagement. But you can’t improve engagement if potential clients aren’t coming to your webinars. That’s where webinar email marketing steps in. 

Email marketing is one of the most efficient marketing techniques for your new webinar. Promoting your webinar the right way can really make a difference in helping people show up, take action, and appreciate your business! 

By emailing details about your webinar, you’re more likely to hear back from people through email. You may see an influx of email signups and registrations for your webinar.

If you’re reaching out to more clients through email, you’ll see an increase in your webinar registration numbers. Think about it!

You’re starting with a registration number before your webinar email marketing strategies. Your number can only go up from here. 

Attendance rates will start to climb. If your email numbers climb, your attendance rate will follow—as you send out nurture emails and reminders, you’ll increase the chances of more people actually attending the webinar (instead of registering and forgetting about it). 

What To Include In Your Webinar Email Marketing Sequence

Building your webinar email marketing strategy doesn’t have to be difficult. Here’s what emails you should send (and in what order) for the best results. 

Pre-Webinar Nurture Email

The first step to setting up your webinar email marketing is to send out at least one email before the webinar to nurture your audience. Engagement will only come if you start from the bottom and build your way up. 

Start out with an introduction email that introduces the topic your webinar will cover to spark some interest from your audience. Provide some educational material, like a “quick win” tip to make sure that you’re giving to your audience before asking something of them in return. 

In this email, you may want to leave some breadcrumbs that there will be an exciting new opportunity or training available to them soon!

The goal of these pre-webinar nurture emails is to intrigue, excite, and engage with your email list before you invite them to the webinar.  They help spread information and establish connections with your audience. 

Registration Email

Next comes the registration emails. These are so important because they invite people to register for your webinar! 

Remember, registration emails need to feature what is valuable about your event. 

You want to point people in the direction of your webinar. But you need to also tell them WHY it’s worth their time! 

Add as much juicy information as you can into your registration emails. Your invitation should include four W’s: who, what, where, and when. 

Be sure to link to the webinar registration landing page at the end of the email. That way, potential clients can easily sign up! You can also drop links and buttons with the signup link throughout the email to keep people focused and interested. 

Signup Reminder Email

Sending reminder emails is a smart way to reach out to those who’ve registered for your event — and those who haven’t. Use reminder emails as a way to grab the attention of the unregistered. 

Make sure to send different emails to each group. This will allow you to expand on your registration and attendance rates. 

It’s okay to send out more than one reminder email! While it depends on when you sent the information, you can send one email a few days before the event and one the day before. 

Include more information about the webinar in the signup reminders. Get specific about the webinar, what you’ll be covering, and why they should attend. By adding that value to your email, you’re adding credibility to your webinar series and enticing those stragglers on your list to sign up. 

Successful Signup Email

Adding an autoresponder to your webinar email sign-up will help your clients know that they’ve successfully registered. 

Think about when you purchase an item and don’t receive an order confirmation email. You may freak out and think that your order didn’t actually go through. It’s the same thing for your clients! 

Letting them know that you know they’re registered gives them peace of mind (and excitement) for your event. 

Reminder Email for The Webinar

Don’t just send an email to remind potential clients to sign up—send a reminder email to those who’ve registered before it’s time for the webinar, too! These emails remind clients of webinar dates, times, and information to access them.  

You should only send these emails if you’re specifically hosting your webinars on a webinar platform that doesn’t send reminders automatically.  

Replay/Recording Email

A great way to connect with more clients past your live webinars is through recordings! You can use your landing page to upload webinar recordings. This can help boost client interaction with your events. 

Lots of people register for a webinar after it happens. That doesn’t mean that you can’t capitalize on webinars that you’ve already hosted! You can save on ROI by recording your webinars and pushing them to more people. 

Next Steps Email

The last part of creating your webinar email marketing system is to send a post-webinar email that covers the “next steps” you want them to take after watching the webinar. This can be one email or a full email sequence. 

In these emails, this is where you’ll want to promote your paid offering(s).  Tie them back into what people learned during the webinar and you’ll see great results. 

Webinar email marketing is an effective way to build your business’ webinar campaigns. Creating a whole system helps you boost registration, attendance rates, and overall engagement. 

Before your next webinar, take some time to look over these emails and implement them! It could help improve your overall webinar experience.

Why A Webinar Email Marketing Strategy Matters (and How To Start) | Tatiana Belim
